Welcome to the US and good luck

As an avid sports fan, I am happy for Major League Soccer and their signing of David Beckham. I enjoy watching and playing soccer. I have been following soccer from early 1980s where my dad and I followed Seria A in Libya. When my parents and I lived in Libya, there wasn't much entertainment on TV and therefore we use to watch Italian and Greek soccer. I remember watching Paolo Rossi. However I still say that I Diego Maradona was "out of this world" in the 1986 World Cup. I haven't seen many players like him. I equate Diego Maradona to Barry Sanders of the Detroit Lions. Check out this video of Diego Maradona:

and now of Barry Sanders:

Anyway back to MLS and David Beckham. It is a good move on MLS' part to acquire him and David Beckham to come out here to the States. There are alot Americans who out right hate soccer. They call it boring and a snooze fest. These same people enjoy a Major League Baseball game. I enjoy baseball and soccer since each game has alot of strategy, gamesmanship, talent, skill, heart to win, emotional explosion and silent resilience. I love sports and I am big fan of ESPN. Therefore David Beckham, "Welcome to the US and good luck!"


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