Playoffs and More...

I don't know if you saw yesterday's debacle on the College gridion. Don't get me wrong. I think University of Florida Gators played a great game. They had an awesome defense and it looked like they wanted it more. Unfortunately it wasn't this year's Heisman Trophy winner Troy Smith or his fellow Ohio State University Buckeyes who looked bad, rather it was the National Collegiate Athetelic Association (NCAA) who looked bad. Their bowl system doesn't work. Rather than declaring an "out-right" champion, every year millions of college football fans (including myself) wonder and ponder who deserves to be the real champion. Floridians may claim that their beloved Gators are the NCAA champions but so do Southern Californians' Trojans or Idaho's "People's Champion" Boise State Broncos. These teams should have be in the playoffs (no order):
  1. University of Florida
  2. Ohio State University
  3. University of Southern California
  4. University of Michigan
  5. Louisiana State University
  6. University of California Los Angeles
  7. Boise State University
  8. West Virginia University
In many ways this is January Madness, a precursor to the NCAA Basketball Tournament, however January Madness is only associated to the appropriate Collegiate football decision makers. Too bad it happens every year. It is becoming part of the American tradition...the annual fantasy of College Football Playoffs and living in the nightmare of Corporate Bowls.


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