Doomsday Clock

In a Reuters article today, scientists moved the Doomsday Clock two minutes ahead because they felt that global warming and other political events have increased our, the human race, rate for self annihilation.

Hmmm... our time to self destruction is sooner than before. The question whether we can slow down or even stop the Doomsday Clock. I don't think that is possible since fear motivates us to work harder for a better future. This fear helps us eat healthier, be more environmentally conscious, live healthier, save the trees, save the endangered species, erradicate diseases (isn't that right Mr. and Mrs. Gates), eliminate poverty and have world peace.

Realistically is this possible? We can individually make a difference but as a society we cannot. There is too much corruptions, self interests, and greed. What is the solution? You know what my solution is (hint: it involves Christ). I would love to hear everyone's comments.

On the lighter side, I believe the Doomsday Clock for Matt Millen is past due. He needs to leave his post as the General Manager of the Detroit Lions since he flat out stinks!!!!


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