"...and let there be crossword puzzles."

Do you remember the days when a loved one is engrossed doing a crossword puzzle and they would occassionaly interrupt you to ask you a question? Do you know the capital for a certain country which is five letters long and it starts with a "B"? When someone asks me a question like that, I wonder who takes their time to create such brain teasers. Do these "crossword creaters" just say, "let there be this crossword puzzle", or take 2 years crafting clues to their crossword answers?

I finally met someone who answered my question. This person actually works with me and creates crosswords which have been published in New York Times, Washington Post, USAToday, Los Angeles Times, etc., and etc., He generates his crossword puzzles with a J2EE program which he wrote. That's pretty awesome! Technology to create entertaining crosswords.


Enoch Moses said…
My co-worker looked at this blog last weekend and he commented that he uses the software to help him "construct" a crossword. In other words, the software does NOT create the crossword but rather it is a tool to build the crossword.

- enoch

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