Exodus 16 and "24"

Today I spoke in Church on Exodus 16. I spoke on how the Nation of Israel reacted instinctively rather than to always turn to the Lord. As you are aware, Israelities were slaves to the Egyptians during the time of Moses. The Israelities were slaves for multiple generations and culturally speaking the Israelities had a slave cultures where they learnt how to survive in the harshest conditions. Once they had their freedom they still relied on their instincts and not completely on the Lord. We should be aware that sometimes we rely on ourselves rather than Lord. Let's pray that we don't do that.

Tonight I watched the first two hours of the show "24" season six. It's good where the characters have evolved to their conditions and at the same time the characters had their recognizable traits like:
  • Jack's survival instincts
  • Chloe's weird habits,
  • Bill Buchanan's leadership
It's a great show!


Rachel said…
Sorry, that post above was supposed to actually be from me. I was using our wrong log in information.


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