The Moses Bust!

Why is it that every year my first round draft pick in Flast Fest Fantasy Football League is a bust? Here is a list of busts I have had:
  1. Priest Holmes - He was hurt that year

  2. Jamal Lewis - His first year out of prison and boy was he terrible

  3. LaMont Jordan - Two words - Art Shell - Al Davis thought he could get retro with his team

  4. Laurence Maroney - He is currently hurt this year. Journey Man and backup - Sammy Morris is having a better year. How bad is that?

Anyway next year, I am going to pick Baltimore defense since I have been ridiculed in my league ever since I picked Baltimore defense in the sixth round. Christian and gang please give up. I am better than that (other than my history of first round picks). Next year I heading to Barbados with my family and Kevin and Sadiqq can pick my team. Well that's all for now and I had to relay my anguish on my first round picks. I feel like the LA Clippers or the Arizona Cardinals who are historical losers! Oh well live goes on as I try to win this year's Flash Fest league championship.

The above video is dedicated to Chris, the dude with LT.


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