A pleasant surprise...

Sunday January 13th, 2008, my wife and I finally found some time to watch a time. Time is precious when a couple, like us, has three little kids and I spend 11 hours a day working and commuting to and from work. The preciousness of time was one of the subtle themes in the movie we watched. The movie The Devil Wears Prada is about a new college graduate who gets a job as an assistant for a very demanding fashion magazine editor. The assistant, Anne Hathaway, is a smart Northwestern Univ. grad who wants to be conventional journalist. However, she ends up getting a job as a personal assistant to a fashion magazine editor, Meryl Streep. I didn't know much about the movie however I was open to watching it since Meryl Streep was in it. I have to say the movie far exceeded my expectations. Meryl Streep does a masterful job of giving substance to an antagonistic character. She adds depth and an understanding why her character is the way she is. The movie was memorable and I was thinking about the Meryl Streep character while I was driving to work on Monday. In many ways, we as career driven people become her if we don't take a step back and evaluate our lives. Anyway check out the movie since my wife and I enjoyed it. Below is the movie trailer I found on YouTube.com


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