Event Driven Blog Entry

An event took place which is causing me to write this blog entry. I call this Event Driven Blog Entry.

The Event
Today my PS2 is broken. My wife said that my son probably broke it. It doesn't matter who broke it but now I cannot play "Dance, Dance, Revolution (DDR)", Madden Football, EA Hockey, High Baseball and the list continues on. It is true that lately I haven't had time to play a game; however now even if I do have an opportunity, I cannot play any games or watch any DVDs. Maybe I should take some time to write an ode to my PS2. Unfortunately Michelle and I are packing our stuff and de-cluttering our house. I feel like we are pilgrims in our house. It is a good feeling since this is how we, as believers, should feel like and patiently wait for Christ's return.


Eric said…
You are SO the geek. "Event Driven" entry. Oh my!

Sorry to hear about your ps2. You can get a used one cheap these days.

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