What would Christ want us to do?

Couple of days ago, I voted in this year's Presidential election. I debated and prayed for a long time for who to vote. Eventually I did vote. During the election years, there is a lot of debate on the news networks, talk shows, dinner tables and while drinking coffee. Typical questions come up like:
  • electing presidents who align with our moral and political views and therefore pick judges who are like-minded like us.
  • will the new president raise taxes or decrease taxes
  • will the new president support same-sex marriage and other viles things
There are heated discussions and in the end the nation comes together and moves on till the next presidential election. As Christians, we tend to favor candidates who lean to the right and tend to have Christian values however we don't always get our way.

Anyway the purpose of this blog is not to discuss our political inclinations but this blog should help you reflect on what Christ really wants us to do.

I have been reading the book called 1776 by David McCullough which is about the American Revolution war. As I have been reading the book, I wondered who was doing the Godly thing.
  1. Is it our great country's forefathers who rebelled against their leader, King George, or were they trying to fight an injustice and ungodly King.
  2. Is it the Loyalists who didn't rebel against their God placed authority?
What would a Christian do? Would a Christian be a loyalist or an American. During the last few weeks, I have also decided not to talk about politics with other Christians since these issues divide the Body of Christ. Or should we as conservative people not vote at all. In Canada, alot of evanglical christians choose not to vote and this has hurt their country since Canada has very liberal policies like Same-Sex Marriages. It just goes to show you that in the end, the Lord is in control and our individual Christians may not have any influence on the people and then again we might.


Fab said…
"My kingdom is not of this world."
Eric said…
Personally I think we should vote for whoever we think is best overall for the country & world. We should consider who will make a better impact morally, financially, globally, environmentally, etc.
I know that democrats don't typically align with some of the core Christian views (e.g. abortion), but they do a lot with helping your neighbor (social programs), environmentalism, etc.
Anywho the vote is over now, so hope it goes well. E.

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