A cool walk...

After working seventy one hours last week, I decided to take the day off. I was simply exhausted!!! I took a afternoon nap with my 18 month daughter Patricia snuggled into me. After a quick meal of left overs, my wife Michelle, kids and myself decided to go for a walk. Rather than go for a walk in a State Park or in a Mall, we hit the nouveau downtown streets of Frederick, Maryland. I liked it! Frederick is a historic little town with alot of brick buildings. We walked by various stores and restaurants and it was neat. I wouldn't mind going there again rather than walking around a pond in a place called Rio in Gaithersburg Maryland. It was neat. I also noticed that Yakabod, Inc was in the downtown district. I had applied to Yakabod sometime last year but then decided to withdraw from it for personal reasons. Anyway they do a good job of marketing their company. After researching thier company, it looks like they sell their product which is a Knowledge Network Tool for Knowledge plus Workflow Management. If you want to visit Maryland, please check out Frederick, Maryland since it is not a bad place. From my previous IT projects, I realized that Frederick county government is made up of sharp and dedicated people. Therefore check it out since the downtown is blast!

Here is a neat video about Yakabod and it shows glimpses of Frederick, MD


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