It Hurts

After a lot of prodding from my wife Michelle, I ended up going to the Podiatrist to have my calluses on my left foot looked at. It's embarrassing to get your feet looked at. I am glad that I heeded to my wife's advice. Michelle is so wise! Anyway I went to Progressive Podiatrist in Urbana, MD last Thursday May 15th, 2008. She said I had calluses on top of Plantar Warts and her recommendation is that I have to have them removed. Being a typical guy, I wanted to get it over with and so I opted for the surgery. First a cold spray, followed by a needle of burning and then numbing Novocaine and finally using the scalp to slice the sole of my left foot.

If you didn't know then the procedure is quite painful. I have been hobbling for a few days. The recommended procedure of soaking the foot in warm water with Epsom salts is the not most pleasant procedures. The salt simply burns in the wounds and walking on the foot doesn't help either.

Anyway I was reminded about Job's suffering (Job 2:7) when he had boils from the sole of his feet to the crown of head. He was in pain. My mind then drifted to Christ's suffering on the cross and I was glad that minor discomfort I am having was nothing compared to Christ's suffering and death for us on the cross. If you, the reader, don't know that Jesus Christ, Son of God, shed His Blood on the cross and died for you and me. After which he rose up after three days and now He is in heaven. If you don't know Him then you should since He is a Great and Loving God.


mjf said…
Ouch. I pray you have a full and speedy recovery. No wonder you were going up and down the field so slowly during that ultimate frisbee game : - )
Fab said…
Pain is weakness leaving the body.

:) just kidding.

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