Who should I vote for?

I have been following the candidates for next year's Presidential Election and I cannot pick any candidate since my views are split across Right and Left. Therefore I have decided the candidates should convince me who I should vote for. This is my stance on the issues.

War in Iraq

The candidate I pick should have a realistic plan on how and when we should pull our troops from the hostile land. I would like see time frames, strategies, how to deal with risks and save our nation money.


As I write this blog, I am alarmed on how fast our environment is deteratoring. I want to see some valid plans from the next president. I have been disappointed how Bush has treated this issue. Oil isn't everything. I would like to see Al Gore involved in this area.


Yes I am a first generation immigrant. I realize that it is not easy to set roots in this country which I now call "My country". When I came to this country I was legal and I have been legal ever since. I would like see fences and walls put up across the southern border. I believe illegal immigrants should not have any rights. I would like to see a visa system implemented in this great country of ours. I will like to see an immigration policy like Canada, Australia and New Zealand where people have to meet a criteria. I would also like to see English be the official language of this country. I am married to a person with latin heritage and I enjoy the latin culture however the growth of illegals should be slowed down.

Health Care

Please don't make healthcare universal. I don't want to wait for a month to see a doctor. My father's Canadian friend had to wait for a year for his next appointment with his cardiologist. This person has been dead for a few years. He died with a heart attack.

Please increase taxes and lets narrow the deficit. Don't put the taxes in a bigger government but rather offer subsidies for new business owners. I would like to see this tax money fund our War on Terror. I would also like to see the dollar in its full glory.


Abortions should be restricted if not banned.

Patriot Act

The new president should look into it. He should not get rid of it but it needs to be redone.

Welfare System

Social Security, Medicare and Mediaid should be fixed. These systems should be offered to people who have put money into these systems.

Okay these are stances on the issues. Now convince me why I should vote for any candidate.


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