Dear Tony, ...

If I had to write to the Prime Minister of United Kingdom Tony Blair then what would I write to him about? Would it about his decision to join the US in "I-rack" (Iraq) or would it be about Faulklands or about the ridiculous Gas (Petrol) tax in English cities? Frankly I don't know. I would pass on the opportunity.

Nevertheless yesterday I saw a letter in my mailbox which was addressed to:

Prime Minister Tony Blair
10 Downing Street
London SWIA 2AA

and it was from a person in Hagerstown, Maryland. My wife is planning to put the letter back into the mailbox so that it would reach its appropriate destination.


wow, i hope it gets to him. however knowing how british postal codes work, i'm not so sure the code SWIA 2AA is an actual code. As you may know, london codes are as follows: direction-digit [space] digit-letter-letter. I am unaware of SW1A, but there certainly is an SW1. Anyway, best wishes to you and Michelle. What a find!

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